We did not have a chance to meet Grandpa Stone's parents. We have only this picture of Aaron Stone and except for genealogy facts and dates we have no anecdotal information about him. Aaron was born in1818 and died in 1898. He grew up on the homestead that had been in the family for generations. The census records have always listed Aaron as a farmer. Grandpa and his father had a strained relationship when Grandpa moved to Nebraska. As far as we know Grandpa never returned to New York and only Aaron's siblings visited him.

We had this picture, a nickle silver spoon engraved 'Jane Temple' and a letter written to Grandpa in 1888. Researching this summer I have found a bit more factual information. Jane Gray Temple was born in 1822 in Chenango, New York and died in October 1890. Jane was one of 10 children born to James Temple and Manda Alenda Sherwin. Her mother was born in New Jersey and her father in Connecticut. The genealogy of her family reaches back into England even farther than the Stone family.
Aaron and Jane were married 3 November 1844 and produced 6 children.
More information and facts about the Stones and Temples keep popping up so perhaps there will be more stories to come.
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